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Friday, December 19, 2014

Why Joey from Friends is just like my toddler

I don't know about you but the stress of the holiday has just about hit the fan for me. Seriously I have nightmares that I wake up its Christmas morning and I forgot to buy presents....
So to lighten the mood I thought I would share how my sweet little ninja boy is just like Joey from friends :)

When they kick and scream and throw a huge fit to wear this...even in public...and win...

Taking a toddler outside in the dead of winter....

When a toddler finds something they really want..."ME, Me, I want!!" 

Attempting to do ANY school with a toddler!

Every time you give a toddler a real phone to talk to Dad...

And the look he gives when you take the phone away because he wasn't saying anything...

When you tell them its nap time...

And then there is food...

The weird things that only toddlers will eat...you know apples dipped in ketchup, carrots dipped in ketchup...pretty much anything dipped in ketchup...

Their basic food groups...

1. Pizza

2. Chicken Nuggets

3. and Lastly Cookies and Candy

And when they are caught red handed sneaking candy or cookies...

But no matter what it is...

But no matter how crazy and exhausting they are, its all worth the sweet little moments you get between disasters...

Hope you enjoyed it, and it brightened up some of the Holiday madness for ya :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Get your flu bomb

Flu season is upon us! What will you use to keep away the sniffles?

This kid tested the effectiveness of oregano in killing bacteria compared to Amoxicillin.

Why is this important....
Let me tell you about the happy week we have had...

We all have been sick with influenza (yes we got tested and confirmed it). Including my husband who got his flu vaccine at work. Because of Essential oils the effect was greatly lessened (by the time that we got in with the doctor and prescribed antibiotics we were all over our fevers so essentially our body had already won the fight against the flu). I personally choose not to get flu shots for myself or my children.

 I made a point to make fun of my husband who got a flu vaccine (although he had no choice in the matter it is mandatory for military) and still got the flu afterwards. Come to find out from a friend, who works at our local intensive care, there is a big outbreak of influenza A in our community. The vaccine is only for influenza B. So it seems to me that his vaccine was all for not...
I wish I had gotten around to making my FLU BOMB at the start of our sickness so that we never had to deal with the flu in the first place but hey live and learn.

If you would like to be smarter then I am and start taking your flu bomb before the flu hits your house here is the recipe.

Flu Bomb
2 drops Frankincense
4 drops lemon
2 drops peppermint
15 drops oregano
15 drops melaleuca

Mix all ingredients in an empty bottle. For adults put 4 drops in empty veggie capsule and take 2 times a day. For children (or those unable to take pills) put one part flu bomb and one part fractionated coconut oil into a roll on. Roll on bottom of feet morning and night. Take at the onset of sickness in your family and take/apply for 10 days straight for full effect. Allow one week breaks between doses (10 day period)

Best part...if you are already sick and reading this its never to late to start. You will get instant relief and recover a lot quicker even if you are already sick when starting your flu bomb.

*Flu shots are recommended for those in high risk groups such as the young, old, pregnant, and immune compromise. I am not recommending that essential oils should replace medical treatment in the event of a life threatening illness. Please consult your doctor before deciding if flu vaccines are right for you and your family.