As much as you may wish and dream a trip to the store looked like this....
More then likely it will look closer to this...
At least thats how it is for me anyways...maybe your children are angels and I'm doing something all wrong.
Of course the madness excels with each added child (and yes we are now up to three) SO wouldn't life just be grand if we could ship those pesky older ones off to public mean school...and do shopping all alone or at least just with one (Cuz seriously some days going out with just one kid is as close to a holiday that a mom is going to get).
Well, if you are like me, you were all pumped about Homeschooling. Thinking your children are all going to be geniuses, well rounded, super polite, and practically perfect in every way. Then you remember all that stuff you got done while they were at school and think Oh Crap now I have to do it with them.
I can easily tell you the errand I dreaded the most with all three of my kids is the grocery store. I go once a week and it takes me a hour if I take children with me (meaning my younger two) On the rare chance I can go by myself I can pound it out in less then 45mins. I plan on kissing that goodbye now. When going with all my kids there is usually a lot of hot lava (hopping only on one set of square tiles), I want this, I don't like to eat that, I'm hungry, and of course what would be a trip to the store without are we done yet?
I got this amazing idea for a shopping list bingo game from one of the many homeschool books I have been reading, Homeschooling Experiment (see reading list on the right). This is how I did it:
Since my kids are smaller, I printed out these blank bingo cards and added in items that I would be shopping for. I drew a picture (and no I'm not going to show you an example cuz trust me I am not an artist) and then wrote the items name under it. For example, we needed pop tarts so I drew my best pop tart picture and then wrote "POP TART" under it. I had enough items on my list (since I had been procrastinating shopping till we were all practically on the verge of starvation) that I only needed to duplicate a few items between the two of them. I tried to keep the repeats the basic ones that I really want them to recognize like eggs, milk, bread. Then the rest of the items on my shopping list was divided between the remaining open bingo boxes. Since they are little we play the "black out version" and since bread is the last thing we get and it's a staple (so they both have it on their bingo card) they end at the same time...everyones happy!
The upside to Bingo cards is the kids are going to have a lot more fun and you're going to here a lot less whining. As they get older you can remove the pictures and just add words and maybe even throw some things on their card you don't need and play it like regular bingo. Also when we end, its at the bakery, they each get one free cookies as a reward. This gives them something to look forward to and a lot less "I wants" because they already know they are getting a treat when the trip is over...and free HELLO!
The downside to bingo cards: Shopping might take a little longer since you will have to stop and wait for your kids to find whatever item you call out. Use all your mom powers not to show them the answer. Tell them the starting sound, the first letter, maybe show them the word on the box as you take it off the shelf, but let them find it on their own. The other downside that I have found is each of my children have their own unique way of coloring in their bingo cards. Monkey boy will use a shelf and scribble in the box quickly. Sassy girl on the other hand must lay on her belly on the floor and carefully and OH SO SLOWLY color in her box. Just let it be! As long as Sassy girl is off to the side and not blocking anyone from getting by I let her do it her way and let her take her time. Yes, you need to get the shopping done but more importantly there is learning going on and it can't be rushed. Maybe if you have some bingo dotters lying around the house then you can speed things up.
I hope you will try out these cards and if you like them share them!
So I guess my bingo card link wasn't working but it should be now :)